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Update for management and analysis software

Mayachitra has released an update of its imago 1 bioimage management and analysis software. The update enhances the user experience by optimzing memory for image loading and visualization and provides more flexibility for the interactive cell anlaysis tool. The mosaciking tool is optimized for multipoint time-lapse montage images. There is also a new bitmap effect and of z- or t-stacks can be exported into movies.

The mosaicking method is designed to be used with an image set acquired using a motorized stage. When images are collected the acquisition software usually captures the XY setting and the location information into a log file. By selecting the log file from the local hard drive, imago will import images into album and the software provides a preview of the mosaic in stack and z-projection. The latest update expands this mosaicking tool to time series.

The software also provides interactive cell segmentation. This segregates the background from the foreground using information provided by the user and computes the properties of individual cells such as area, perimeter, and average intensity. The latest release optimizes the efficiency for visualizing the segmentation result, providing a better and faster interactive experience.

A free, fully functional 30-day trial is available for download at



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