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UNC-Olympus Research Imaging Center opens

The University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill has opened the UNC-Olympus Research Imaging Center. The center is devoted to life science imaging and will provide researchers with advanced microscopes and camera equipment, software, consultation and expertise, in an environment intended to encourage scientific inquiry. The center is designed to stimulate collaboration among top life science research faculty members and will be available to guest researchers as well.

The imaging center has been endowed by Olympus America Inc., Center Valley, Pa., which is providing imaging systems featuring research microscopes, confocal instruments, digital imaging equipment, intravital imaging tools, incubation microscopes, software and substantial ongoing staffing and technical support.

It comprises nearly 2000 square feet of dedicated space and is codirected by Ken Jacobson, the Kenan Distinguished Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, and James E. Bear, an Associate Professor and Early Career Scientist of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Both are affiliated with the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at the UNC School of Medicine and the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Researchers using the center work in cell biology, neuroscience, pharmacology and other specialties that contribute to the study of cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease and other conditions.



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