QImaging has released the EXi Aqua Bioimaging Microscopy Camera, which replaces the company’s Retiga EXi. The 20 MHz, 14-bit EXi Aqua camera has an IEEE 1394b Firewire interface and achieves mega pixel resolution with a Sony ICX285 interline sensor.
The camera is monochrome but can acquire color with an optional RGB filter module or Bayer mask color CCD option. The camera can read out at up to 10.9 full-resolution frames per second, has flexible binning, and exposure times that are adjustable from 10 microseconds to 17.9 minutes. It is cooled to 0 ºC and exhibits ~20% less read noise than the Retiga EXi. The camera’s QCam driver integrates with a variety of popular third-party software packages.
The camera is useful for many applications, including immunofluorescence imaging, fluorescent protein imaging, time-lapse fluorescence imaging, calcium imaging, and FRET as well as phase-contrast, DIC, and bright field microscopy. More information here.