1. The Dino-Lite Digital USB microscope. $249.00 USD
I've used this microscope for education purposes, and it works great. Easy for kids to use, and just as much fun for adults. Just hook it up to a computer and have fun. It takes great images and up to 200X magnifaction. More information here.
2. LCD Celestron Digital Microscope. $299.00 USD

Looks like a normal microscope, but wait there's an LCD screen instead of the normal eye piece. No need to hook up a computer to look at digital images of slides, but you can transfer your images to a computer via USB. The microscope has up to 400 X optical magnification, but bump that up to 4000 X when you add in the optical zoom. More information here.
3. Mighty scope Digital Microscope $199.00 USD
This handheld USB microscope is almost identical to the Dino-Lite microscope. It has up to 200 X magnification. More information here.
4. USB Digital Microscope Camera System. $99.00 USD
At 130 X, a little less magnification than other models, but also costs less than $100. More information here.
5. Turn your web cam into a digital microscope.